Wednesday, October 19, 2011

5 Small goals attainable goals.

Small steps to greater success. I will start with this: 

1. 20 minute walk/jog every day, 20 minutes of sunlight every day
2. 3 fruits & 1 vegetable every day
3. 2 Liters of water every day 
4. 50 pushups every day 
5. 50 crunches every day

Friday, October 14, 2011



Many have this negative connotation correlating to the word "work. The same people have the tendency to also complain of not having a job or wishing they had one at one point in their lives. 

This is partially me. I have complained about the stresses of my job. The demands and expectations are definitely tough, but as a registered nurse, these expectations are vital in order for a person to grow and help the unit achieve as a whole. 

Thinking back when I was struggling to find a job, sending out application after application, even thinking of moving out of state in order to start my career, it's crazy to think that I even complain of being tired from work these days. Sure the body needs rest, but there is definitely nothing to complain about. I am utterly thankful and grateful that the Lord has given me this opportunity to serve Him. 

I'm in a field where healing the body in a wholistic manner is key. Not only are we physically present, but emotionally, spiritually and pyschosocially catering to our patients needs. I get that tingling feeling every time I get to speak to a patient about God and pray with them. It's satisfying and a feeling I just can't describe to know that we are sharing a moment with God and allowing Him to heal, because only God can heal. Doctors, nurses and all other health care workers can attempt to get a sick person healed, but only God can take a sickness and make it disappear like it never happened. 

There will be days where I question whether or not I want to be a nurse. There will be days where I get yelled at or make a mistake that will get me down a little. There will be days where I will feel tired and wish I was home. There will be times when I'm struggling and just want to run and hide.

But through all the struggles, I am thankful. Thankful I have a job that can put food on the table, clothes on my back, pay the bills and just get my life started for the future. I'm blessed to have a job that is built to help others get better, get back on their feet and live their lives. I have been blessed by many patients. Patients who come in sick as a dog, but who look at life as a gift, take it day by day and are still thankful that God has given them each day to live. 

Throughout nursing school I would always say this prayer:
"Lord if this is the field that you want me to be in, let me know, show me a sign, make it clear". I've gone through so many hurdles in order to get here. I never thought I would ever make it, but I'm here. It took a lot out of me. Plenty of tears and anxious days. I pray that the Lord continue to guide me in my work so that I may have the ability to heal others in wholeness. 

Simply put it this way, I am thankful, blessed and ever so grateful for this opportunity. 

Be blessed. 
Live. Love. Be healthy. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Life happens so quick.

Life happens so quickly. 

I'm sitting here 26 years old, wondering where the time has gone. I sit back in a nostalgic state, day dreaming, wishing I was a kid again. Times back then were so innocent. No bills to pay, No exhausting work days, and definitely a whole lot less stress and worries. 

The days where all I ever cared about was going to school, hanging out with friends, playing sports and sometimes turning in my homework are now over and real life has kicked it.

Lately, I've been feeling this deep sense of nostalgia. From the care free days at LLA, to trying to find myself at LSU, all the way to my life changing times in nursing school at LLU. Some days I just catch myself wishing to go back to the carefree life of a student, when all I had to do was wake up put on a pair of basketball shorts and hoodie and get to class.

I used to wonder as a child, what it was like and how "growing up" exactly happened. Well, it's happened and always still happening. But now it's real. Putting in all these hours at work, paying the bills and now thinking about life after college (Marriage, buying houses, kids, etc...) It's an exciting but scary thing. Never did I ever imagine that it would happen so fast, but as 30 approaches, it's becoming more and more a part of life than a distant wonder in a child's mind. 

I'm blessed to have the life that I have and I am thankful to the Lord every day for the things that He has blessed me with and continues to bless me with. The best family ever, a girlfriend who I can't wait to marry, food on the table, clothes on my back...I want to give back to God and that is what's in my heart. Whether it is volunteering to help the community (feed the homeless, etc...) or whatever it may be. From here on out, especially started 2012, it's going to be a HUGE part of my life and hopefully those around me.

Life happens so fast and I want to make a difference.
It's not about what you can do for yourself, but what you can do for GOD and others. 
I'm ready to take a step into making a change in this world. When life flashes before your eyes, like it did to me last year, I should spread the love of God to others and hope to bring joy in their lives. 

To life, love & health. 

My prayer for today:
Dear Gracious God, 

I come to you this morning with a heavy heart. Knowing that you are speaking through me. Hoping that I will step up to making a difference. I hear you oh God, and I am ready for you to use me in anyway possible.

You have continued to grant me blessings in my life that I don't deserve, yet you continue to do so and all I do is accept, and do so without giving back. Forgive me Lord for all the times I have had the opportunity to serve you, but stayed where I was and didn't make a move. 

Today with an open heart, I give my all to you father. Give me the strength and courage to get back in the community as I did as a kid and serve you with all that you have blessed me with. Help me to seek you in all that I do, so that I may be ready to tackle any situation you place me in. 

I love you Lord and today is a new day where I can start fresh. 
Bless us now Lord Jesus, help us to be more like you. 
