Thursday, November 19, 2009

Great week.

After weeks of b!tching about being sick and what not. 
It feels good to get a good string of days together. 
I know this is just the beginning, but again I feel the determination reaching another level. 
Definitely been a long time since i've felt like this and felt like I'm getting somewhere. 
The week started out w/ a "fruit/vegetable cleanse" in mind... 
Although I did not ONLY eat fruits and veggies, it did happen 90% of the week. 
The gym has been quite friendly as well, although stamina is not up to par as it use to...
I'm just blessed to have the health and ability to go to the gym. 
From this point on, I'm positive for a change. 
After recently picking up the book "Body for Life", it puts my goals into perspective. 
I know I can do it. 
It's just a matter of doing it. 
Life is too short to just sit around the couch and dwell about the "'past" and...
How fit I "used" to be... 
or how i use to be able to run "x" amount of miles 
I'm tired of making all the excuses and blaming this and that for my own downfall. 
If i really wanted to change, I would've changed something. 
I grew complacent. gave up on myself and my goals. 
This is another crack at it. 
The sickness is over with. & I've gotten past the initial days at the gym and eating clean. 
It's time to bring it back to the level I once was. 
& Thankful 

To health. 

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