This is odd to post in the morning. But i will re-update it at the end of the day. //
I find it funny that I set my alarm clock and snooze away. Why set the alarm clock in the first place?
What if there were an alarm clock that dragged you out of bed & made you get up.
Until there is one out there on the market...I'm stuck to snoozing!!
Well, its day four...another LONG ass day at school, and I'm ready for it!
Got my oatmeal in hand, chomping away on my banana as well.
This "diet" or what I like to call a "lifestyle" haha (but forreal)...isn't so bad after all.
I did it before in the past. (people thought i was crazy) but I did it before didn't I?
I guess you can say this is the prime example of "Giving up something to Get something else"
This definitely is giving up a lot.
Let me break it down for you!
- I cannot eat anything that is not on this sheet
- No seasoning on any of the food (Not even ketchup, mustard, etc...)
- Drink a glass of water w/ every meal
- No eating past 9pm
meal 1: bowl of (Organic) oatmeal (no sugar or milk) & one medium size banana = 165 calories
meal 2: protein shake = 120 calories
meal 3: turkey slices (90 calorie pack) & medium size apple = 150 calories
meal 4: protein shake = 120 calories
meal 5: boiled chicken breast & broccoli = 250
meal 6: 1 cup of soil milk and a teaspoon of peanut butter = 150
Calorie Count = 955 (approx)
There you have it. This is what I eat and nothing more. and nothing less.
It's definitely a challenge...I have 41 more days to go, but it's looking good right now.
Well, back to school.
Check back in tonight. :)
// -- CHECKING BACK IN -- //
The day is about to conclude once again.
Just got back from my workout at the gym.
Now that was the type of workout that I wanted to have all week.
It wasn't about the QUANTITY but the QUALITY of the work I put in.
Sure I wasn't there for 2 or 3 hours, but I put in a hard 1 1/2 hour of work and made use of my time.
I didn't cheat today!! 4th day straight.
Friday is always there curse. and has been the curse w/ any of my diet plans.
But, I don't see myself cheating tomorrow. It's been a great feeling to put in a great stretch.
I'm excited to way myself on sunday. Don't know if i expect a HUGE number, but 5lbs will do :)
If I average 5lbs/week...the goal of 30 in 45 will happen!
The hard part is staying motivated and being consistent.
Well, signing off for the night.
Friday...I am ready for you!
To health.