Friday, June 18, 2010


Music has always been my first love.
Ever since I was about 3 years old, all I did was sing.
I sang until everyone around me was annoyed and irritated, cause this little (big) chubby kid wouldn't stop. 
Then I started to take piano lessons, followed by 5 years of saxophone lessons. Those 2 things I've never really pick up a passion for, but I wasn't so bad at them.
Singing was just the one thing I gravitated towards and kept my passion. 
High school came around, and I was in choir for all 4 years. The most fulfilling years of music.
There's just something about being a part of something. 100 people getting together for 1 collective sound. 
As high school came to a close, and I began college...I just didn't have any passion at ALL for music. 
Even considered stopping. Until I met Vasa. This was a time when I knew I had something special. 
As college grew more and more difficult, I grew distant again from the music...and now as a college graduate, I find the passion fading away again.
I know that music will always hold a special place in my heart...but right now, I just feel like I need to step back for a while and let it come back. 
I've had this itch to rid the name "RuSouL" because it really isn't me. Sure I sing w/ soul...but I'm not the type of person to have a stage name.
Russy is what I want to be known for. I want people to know the real me...
Music has never been about the "spotlight" or all the glitz and glamor of it all. I never wanted to be the huge celebrity that people always talk about (and I probably never will be)
All I've ever wanted to share my love for music w/ the world. and if 1 person digs it...then I'm happy :)

I'll continue to sing and play. But I think I just figured out to what extent I want to do it to. 
MUSIC isn't my life...It's definitely a BIG...REALLY BIG part of my life...but I think that's where I'm different from others. I don't like the pressure, I'm the dude who loves to have fun w/ music. loves to share it w/ people and talk about it.
Soon again...I'll just be that little chubby kid who loves to sing & irritate the hell out of people. :)

Live Love. Laugh. *be healthy* 
Russy ;)

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