Tuesday, September 28, 2010

So thankful (part 2). - Florida & Music

Tampa, FL. 
I've always wanted to go to Florida, and I finally got my chance to go! 
I have a new found love for this stage and the city of Tampa because of this trip. 
About a week ago, I was fortunate enough to fly out to Tampa, FL to perform at the University of South Florida. 
I've only flown out a few times in my life to do shows or weddings out side of California. 
And every time, I feel lucky and thankful for the opportunity. 
After boards, I needed a weekend to just get away from home, and this was the perfect opportunity. 

I was pretty exhausted even before the trip, trying to finish up the EP that I would be bringing w/ me to the show. 
The trip started off waking up at 4am w/ Jenny bringing me to the airport for my flight at 6am. 
Two layovers in FEEEEEENIX (Phoenix) and Houston, then finally to Tampa. 
It was definitely a tiring 12 hours of traveling, but definitely worth every minute of it. 

As I arrived in Tampa, I was welcomed by an empty airport at 730pm. 
Finally my buddy, Jon Cardona greeted me with so much love & enthusiasm, felt like I knew the guy for years! 
We chilled and met up w/ some friends (Aemberly & Risha), cool people!! 
Got some grub at "Taco Bus" and was off to crash at Kyla's parents house for the night. 
The drive there was hilarious! w/ scary stories about the Lumas...we got lost in the forrest too! haha 
We finally got to her house and CRRRRASHED. I don't think I've ever knocked out on a couch like that, ever. 

The following day was all about prepping for the show, practicing and getting ready. 
After a good mornings worth of practice, we went out to lunch at "Cosi's" sandwich spot. Amazing food! 
I mean, for those who know me, I could live off sandwiches and chips all my life!! Totally hit the spot!! :) 
We finally made our way to the school, did all of our sound checks and what not and just chilled for a couple hours. 
The crowd was pretty awesome, about 500 people showed up, but by the time I performed the crowd dissipated to the after party. haha. 
No worries, because the crowd that was there...was amazing! I felt the love from you all and I'm super thankful for each one of you! :) 
The show ended at around 11:30pm, and we were all spent, but Jon and I had this idea to head over to Orlando (which was an hour and a half away, haha). 
The trip was craaazy! We went to this ghetto wal-mart w/ no tax was alot of people from the opposite team. haha. 
Scary stuff! Gangsta stuff! definitely Legit :)
Oh we stopped by this Cuban restaurant, don't remember what its called, but it was AMAZING! 
I could probably eat 10 of those beef empanadas! I'm drooling just typing this right now!!!! 
After attempting to go to Disneyworld and chillin' at the parking lots, haha, we headed over to meet up w/ some of Jon's friends. 
Met some more amazing people (Jeremy, Lora, Lizzy & Alvin!) We had a blast taking pictures and just chattin' it up. 
Definitely good times. 
After a long drive back, we all crashed at Alvin's place...and waited for the next morning. 

We woke up and hit this BBQ that was happening w/ all the asian clubs from the banquet. 
Let me tell you...there were like dragon flies and other bugs hovering that would've scared large men! 
Met some more good people and then ended the trip off at this tea place where they brewed some WEIRD teas... 
After another eventful day, Jon dropped me off and I said goodbye to good ole' Florida.
The trip home had lots of reflecting on life and the past month of stress and accomplishments. 
I needed this trip (even though it was short) to just relax and get away from the stresses of studying. 
But when I my plane landed and I was greeted by Rocky & Jenny...I was reminded why I LOVE California and being at home. 
Florida now has a special place in my heart, and I love the people and time I spent there...
But there's really nothing like being at home :)

Jesus has truly blessed me w/ the gift of music.
It's something that I want to continue to use in a positive way, to change others and make a difference. 
I'm lucky to have been able to travel to these places to share my music. 
I am also always thankful and appreciative to the people who take the time to listen to me. 
and Florida, you didn't disappoint. You made me reminded me why I LOVE to do music. 
Music is a way of bringing people together, meeting new friends and making long lasting friendships. 
Jon Cardona is one of those people I am truly thankful for and feel that God put in my life for a reason. 
Not only did he make my trip to Florida one to remember, but is a friend that I know I can keep for years. 
Thanks pare for taking the time out of your schedule to come, chill, and sing w/ me. 

Music is strong. It will sometimes speak louder than words. 
It keeps people together and gets others through tough times. 
It continues to be a way people can express themselves and journal their lives. 
Music is something I will always be thankful for, because it continues to drive me. 
Florida, you have given me memories I will cherish and keep, always. 
Tampa (USF), you have some amazing people who welcomed me and opened their homes. 
I will always be thankful for you :)
I love you all, and one day I'll be back!
Much love. 
Live. Love. Be healthy. 

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