Who would've thought finding a job would be so hard?
Isn't this why I went into this field?
The saying "you won't regret it" or "there will always be a job"...
The saying "you won't regret it" or "there will always be a job"...
Is definitely NOT true.
I've sent plenty of applications out, but a common response...
"Thank you, but you're not qualified"
Getting harder and harder to keep my head up, but I know there is always a reason.
9 months ago before my accident, the opportunity was there...
What could've been.
But I will remain positive & optimistic, that this is all a part of HIS plan for me.
Whatever it is and whatever it may be, I will never give up nor will I doubt Him.
Jesus always has the answer & all I have to do is have an open heart and commit.
I'm ready for whatever the journey will be.
Stay focused & always remember I will do NOTHING on my own...
But through HIM I can do all things.
Head up.
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