Thursday, February 25, 2010

Back to the cleanse.

Green Juice #2 in my system. 
I needa stop having bad days w/ eating. 
&& continue to hit the gym. 
k back to work. 

Live.Love.Be Healthy 

Monday, February 22, 2010


As I woke up this morning at 230am, 345am, 430am, and 530am... 
I struggled to get out of bed and go to clinical. 
Little did I know that I would have the kind of energy I had for most of the day. 
Drank Green Juice #1 at 630am 
Then from then on until about 230pm, all I had was 2 bottles of water. 
Took my lunch at 230 after an extremely busy morning, and got Green Juice #2 in. 
w/ some green tea (and some nuts) 
I tried to go w/out the nuts and just juiced today, but I needed a little pick me up. 
After the shift I had Green Juices #3 and #4 while waiting for my dad to pick me up. 
&& this is where I wondered how in the world am I going to go to the gym. 
I've always been too tired (especially after a 13 hour shift!) 
But this day was different. 
The "Old Russy" who went to the gym no matter how tired he was...SPOKE! 
I usually would've said "I have tomorrow", or the next. 
BUT I'm tired of making excuses that I'm too TIRED! 
Everybody is tired. But it's those people who take care of their bodies, are the ones who stay healthy. 
I'm proud and happy that I accomplished something I hadn't accomplished in all of nursing school. 
There has probably only been 1 or 2 times where this has happened. 
& I know there are going to be some days where I am EXHAUSTED. 
But a little gym, is better than NO gym. 
This is the beginning of the start of something GREAT! 
I feel it coming back. I feel the mentality starting to surface. 

Live. Love. Be Healthy! 

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Today's gym session was hard. 
I was extremely exhausted before I even started doing anything. 
The past few weeks have been tiring, and the fatigue is starting to sink in. 
As I started doing my cardio, I felt like I was gonna pass out. 
I was hot (like fever hot), my body was just tired. 
So I kept saying to myself, I'm lucky to even be healthy enough to go to the gym. 
Some people would die just to be physically capable to work out. 
An hour and a half later, I left the gym. 
Proud that I pushed through. 
I'm excited and exhausted. 
Thankful and blessed. 
I am a witness that even though it's a "tiny workout"...
Some kind of fitness and physical activity is better then NONE! 

Live. Love. Be Healthy 

Thoughts of the week.

By about thursday, you should be able to gauge what you've accomplished during the week. 
I feel proud. 3 days at the gym. 
But I need to focus on the "nutrition" part of this "let's get healthy" plan. 
Which is why I purify and cleanse my body of the toxins I've put in. 
One thing I need for myself is CONSISTENCY. 
That is the biggest problem w/ mostly anybody trying to get healthy. 
& that doesn't change for me. I've definitely had my ups and downs. 
I'm just ready to have more of a straight ascending line towards that optimum level. 
From here on out, I'm going to try to keep that line going up instead of the up-down-up-down i've been battling. 
Let's do this. 
I will admit, I slipped up already w/ this juice fast, BUT I'm starting it over. 
Yesterday was Jenny's birthday, and we HAD to celebrate :) 
These next 7 days will be all Juices. 
Green Juices. 
Combinations of: Kale, Celery, Cucumber, Spinach, Broccoli, Parsley, Cilantro, Red Chard, Coconut water, carrots, and apples. 
I'm going to try and go for the Low to Mid glycemic juices. 
Maybe if I'm feeling the down and need a pick me up from the gym workouts, I'll shoot for some healthy smoothies, but refrain from having too much sugar.
To reach my goal, I need to sacrifice. 
I've always believed that GETTING something requires GIVING SOMETHING UP. 
Let's do some work. 
Already had my juice for the day, it's time to get that sweat going. 
To whoever is reading this, tell me how YOUR plans of health are going. 
Hope to inspire someone. 
Cause if I can do it, I'm certain you will be able to do it and more. 
Let's get healthy together. 

Live. Love. Be Healthy. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I feel the need to cleanse this week.
7 days of green juicing.
time to detoxify the body.
let's go.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Physical Education.

Don't you sometimes wish you were still a kid? 
P.E. was forced/required, scheduling your gym time for you. 
As you age and you hit the later college years, you gotta find that time on your own. 
*sigh* and to think I hated going when I was younger. 
Well. Off to the gym. 

Live. Love. Be Healthy

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

why i juice.


Join me.

It's pretty embarrassing for people to see me like this. From a guy who took care of his health, to a guy who really didn't care. at all. 
This is the start of a new year. To share my blog w/ the world. 
This is me. Raw. Open. I will struggle. But I will not fail. 
I was always the "fat" kid growing up, and a couple years ago, I finally got a grasp on what it felt like to be in shape and feel healthy. 
That same guy, lost that hope somewhere along the way, and is attempting to get it back. 
This is not about "looking the part" anymore, but more about feeling and regaining a sense of health and happiness. 

I want you all to join me in my journey. I look forward to sharing my good & bad days. 
I'm doing this, not only for myself, but in hopes to bring hope to others who struggle. 
Not only with the weight or health, but maybe just in life. 
Anything is attainable if believe in yourself. 
Live. Love. Be Healthy. 


What to live by.

Live to be Happy.
Love yourself.
& Health will follow.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Feelin' Good.

I haven't felt this good in a long time. 
The constant battle w/ lethargy, joint pains, and overall bad health has been looking up. 
2009 was suppose to be the year that I was going to change it all. 
I had some highlights of the year, but 2010 seems different. 
I know I say that all the time w/ each and every blog, but this is different. 
When I first attempted the "weight loss" after I reached 230, I knew it wasn't going to be easy. 
Never in my life I thought I would reach that large of a number, especially after hitting the peak of my health at 146 in the summer of 2006. 
Can you imagine?? Not only did it take a toll physically, but emotionally and mentally. 
Life is definitely about the ups and downs and getting through it. 
This year I made the decision to turn vegetarian, hoping to turn vegan, then raw. 
With the old "hardcore" diet of high protein, low carb, I knew it wasn't the healthiest way to go. 
I knew that I had to go back to what is "LIVING" foods. 
I need food that has LIFE to get LIFE back. 
First step was to use the vitamix we have a home. Making smoothies, not hard at all. 
Second step was to just eat more fruits and veggies. 
Third step, I bought a Juicer, and juice 2 times a week. 
I've been hitting the gym a little more, not as much as I use to (because of time). 
But it sure feels good to go in there and get my heart pumping. 
There is much more energy. Less joint pains. and I just feel good. 
I'm far from where I want to be, but this is what it's all about. 
A number like 230 or 146 is just a number, and that's it. 
Sure it sounds good...I'm 146, 6% body fat, I can bench 245, I can run 13 miles. 
But the ultimate goal is FEELING GOOD and HEALTHY. 
Everything else is icing on the cake. 
2010 definitely seems more promising, especially after a rough 2009. 
I'm excited and truly hopeful for this year. 

to health. 

Thursday, February 4, 2010

I feel JUICY!

If only my Juicebox as a kid had what I drink today. 
My go to drink #1: 
- Kale, Spinach, Parsley, Celery, Red Chard, Cucumber, Broccoli, Apple, and Carrot 
Sounds a little much, but let me tell you, it's DAMN good!! 
Even my brother likes it. haha. 

Go to drink #2: 
- Coconut water/juice and Cucumber (pre-workout drink) 
Great hydrator for those long runs or bike rides. 

Go to drink #3
- Carrot, Apple, Celery, and Ginger (sometimes). 
This one takes a little getting use to, but I'm getting the hang of it. 

I'm LOVING my juicer and loving the feeling I get from it. 
I know it's bad, but I'm only really eating 1 meal a day and the rest of the day I'm either munching on fruits/veggies or just juicing. 
I feel GREAT tho! :) 

that's it. 
To Health. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

forgot how much it takes.

Wow. So I forgot how much it takes to get back into shape (or get into shape) 
It really takes blood. sweat. & your tears to achieve prime physical form. 
I'm probably about 15% there. haha and I can feel it already. 
The morning soreness. The "please don't touch me" I'm sore. 
Soon, all this hard work will pay off. 
There is no doubt in my mind that I can do anything. 
Sure there will be bumps in the road. 
But I'm ready for all of them. 
LET'S GO!!! 
I'm tired of the past 3 years of sitting on my ASS. 
It's time to change. 25 is suppose to be my prime. 
& it will. 
No doubt. 

To health. 