Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Join me.

It's pretty embarrassing for people to see me like this. From a guy who took care of his health, to a guy who really didn't care. at all. 
This is the start of a new year. To share my blog w/ the world. 
This is me. Raw. Open. I will struggle. But I will not fail. 
I was always the "fat" kid growing up, and a couple years ago, I finally got a grasp on what it felt like to be in shape and feel healthy. 
That same guy, lost that hope somewhere along the way, and is attempting to get it back. 
This is not about "looking the part" anymore, but more about feeling and regaining a sense of health and happiness. 

I want you all to join me in my journey. I look forward to sharing my good & bad days. 
I'm doing this, not only for myself, but in hopes to bring hope to others who struggle. 
Not only with the weight or health, but maybe just in life. 
Anything is attainable if believe in yourself. 
Live. Love. Be Healthy. 



  1. impressive bro! this can definitly inspire many others who can believe in themselves for this achievement! and praise God for the ability to do so :] amazing stuff man`

  2. i'm proud of you. always proud. power couple remember?! :)

  3. I'm the exact same way...i came into college freshman year lean and fit and less than 4 months later, had packed on almost 50 pounds and became reclusive, and lethargic.

    I also have started recently to turn my life around. Best of luck to you hopefully we both can stay motivated.

    Good luck

  4. @Aldrin - it's never too late for change! we're on our way. Blessings :)

  5. You can do it, Russy! We believe in you! :)

    Good luck, and God bless

    - Micah
