Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Moving way too fast.

All I want and need is for things to slow down. 

The past 2 months have been crazy months. I went from doing absolutely nothing since I passed my board exams in September, to having extreme exhaustion from worked starting late February. 

I'm so grateful and thankful that God has given me this opportunity to share His love, through my care as a nurse, and I don't go a day without letting Him know that. I've been blessed to work in a hospital that caters not only to the physical aspect of an individual, but more importantly having an environment which nurtures them emotionally and spiritually. 

Sometimes I'm guilty of not taking care of my own self, and I guess that comes with the territory of being a nurse and being so busy. But Jesus always wants us to know that He is always there. Even though I forget to pray or to turn to Him, He doesn't. These have been some hard and trying months. I've been more snappy then I usually am, and being tired does affect what kind of person I am. 

My prayer today is: 
Give me the patience. The patience to live each day with one thing in mind, and that is to serve You. I've grown up believing that You will never give us anything that we cannot handle, thus I place my whole life in Your hands Father and allow you to take me and mold me into what you want me to become, and not who I think I should become.

There are days when I don't feel like getting up, because all I want to do is rest. But that is a lost opportunity to do and fulfill the work that you have set up for us to complete here on earth. 

Help me oh Lord to be a vessel, in any and every way possible. Forgive me Lord for my transgressions and for my short comings. I know I've let you down so many times, but time and time again, you tug on my heart and I know that You are working in me. 

This life we live here is short, but the life we have here is important, because of the impact we can be to turn others to you. Oh Lord, I can't wait till that day You come and take us home. You've promised us your second coming, and the things here on earth we worry about is nothing to worry about at all. Help us to understand that, and to keep our hearts and goals in the right place and that is to serve You and You alone. 

Thank you Father for all that you've done for me, and as fast as everything is going right now. Give me a sense of peace today that You are with us every step of the way. 

I love you Jesus. 
Your son, 

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