Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I will do this.

My weigh loss has future written all over it. Growing up, people were always worried about me because of the "life-long" affects of carrying all the extra can have. That is the first thing that comes to most people's mind...what will the end result be? Long term sickness? Disease? Death? 

As I continue on this journey, I am constantly reminded why I'm doing this. This is not only for me, but for my family. Every time that I watch biggest loser and I see the tears and heart break that being over weight can have on a family, I can only imagine how people can "secretly" and "openly" be scared and concerned about how unhealthy I am. 

I want to play w/ my kids for hours, and not have to sit down to rest because I'm exhausted. I want to be able to go on field trips with them and have the other kids say "your dad is so cool" and not ask my kids "why is your dad so fat"? I want to be an example of taking care of your body and to be healthy for my kids. I want them to have a dad that can teach them how to play sports so that they can have sports in their lives too and be successful at it. 

I want to be a healthy husband for my wife. To be able to go on many adventures and to travel the world and never stop traveling. I want to be active and go on hikes, swimming at the beach, and do exciting things and experience all the things that we want to and more. 

I will do this. I'm still going strong. I'm doing this not only for myself, because at the end of the day, this is for me. But I'm doing this for everyone who I care about and who care about me. 

I broke out of the 200's...it's time to get below 190, and it ain't far. A few more sacrifices, and I'll get there. As slow or as fast as it takes to get this weight off, I will stay motivated and strong. Main goal is to stay healthy and to maintain it for the rest of my life.

To health. 

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