Sunday, August 15, 2010


Why are people so afraid to sacrifice?

Here is a quote from one of the greatest athletes of all time, one who people considered selfish early in his life, but it was only until he realize that he cannot do everything on his own, but needed to sacrifice for the greater good of the bigger goal. 

"There are plenty of teams in every sport that have great players and never win titles. Most of the time, those players aren't willing to SACRIFICE for the greater good of the team. The funny thing is, in the end, their unwillingness to sacrifice only makes individual goals more difficult to achieve. One thing I believe to be the fullest is that you think and achieve as a team, the individual accolades will take care of themselves. Talent wins games, but TEAMWORK and intelligence win championships." - Michael Jordan

As you get older, there are certain things you realize, things that you couldn't fathom when you were younger. 
Some of the things our parents would hide from us, because they wanted us to stay innocent. 
I am grateful for everything that my parents have done for me, and continue to do for me. 
At the point of my life now, when some families would've stopped believing, mine keeps on trusting and believing in me. 
Growing up, my parents sacrificed financial stability, just to send us to a Christian school. 
They wanted us to be in a situation where the same values and principles at home, were being kept in an environment with tremendous influence on our lives. 
The more and more I think about parents would buy my brother and I $100 pair shoes (or close to that), when my dad or mom would be wearing the same ones for 5-10 years, when we would "NEED" new ones every year. 
From a parents stand point, this is what they had to do...this is what they WANTED to do. 
Our parents have done for us, what Jesus did (only on a level that we cannot even understand). 
My parents sacrificed SO MANY things, for my brother and I to become better people. 
To give us the things that they never were able to have growing up. 
But most importantly, they brought us closer to Jesus and helped us understand that Jesus was all about sacrifice.
God sacrificed His son to die for all of our sins.
It is human nature to be "selfish", to be self loathing in our actions...but when it comes to our family, we sacrifice. 
This sacrifice and dedication should go beyond that of our family and generate to our world. 
I'm blessed to be in the situation I'm in. To belong to a family who loves no matter what, and sacrifices for the greater good.
I can only pray and hope that I will become as great as my parents (here on earth) and my Father up in heaven.
Today, I leave w/ the thought that we need to lay everything on the line for those around us. 
Our sacrifice (no matter what it is), can only make us and those around us stronger. 
Jesus is and will always be the true example of this and by keeping Him as our example, will make us stronger in our own walks through life. 

Live. Love. Be Healthy. 

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