Monday, September 21, 2009

Cleansing: Day #1

I have successfully completed day 1 of my cleanse. 
It's crazy how fast you can get off track, especially when you've only been on track for a couple months. 
Last week was...HORRIBLE. 
No other word can describe what happened to me last week. 
The lack of motivation and drive was irritating and somewhat intriguing.
Who knew that one day you can be the most motivated person in the world, then turn around and be one of the most uninspired.
That is why I have chosen to cleanse this week. 
Body, Mind, and Soul. 

The initial cleanse starts with the body. 
I have to rid the toxins I have put my body through. 
By eating only fruits and veggies and refraining from processed foods is the goal. 
I will also push myself to exhaustion at the gym. 
This will be somewhat be what people call..."HELL" week. 
In order to achieve greatness, you have to reach rock bottom. 
These past couple months have been just that. Feeling at the lowest point. 
BUT, that doesn't mean you can't get out of it. 
It's really up to the individual, and how he/she responds to adversity. 
Some give up. Some conquer. 

It only takes a split second to reach the bottom. 
Yet it takes your blood, sweat, tears, and extreme effort to get to the top. 

Although, the body may go through the initial change... 
The psyche and mindset of an individual is what triggers the change. 
Without a strong self and inner will not succeed. 
You have to BELIEVE in yourself, before you can reach your destiny. 
Being humble in your defeat and failures, and allowing yourself to show humility, will only make you stronger, learning more from the experience at hand.   

Nothing is impossible. 
A verse from the bible that I find strength and refuge in when times get tough is Phil 4:13 
"I can do ALL thing through CHRIST who strengthens me" 
It really says it all in that simple, yet powerful statement. 
This passage may be confusing to some individuals, because some feel they don't need to put in the work, because they believe all we need is Christ. 
BUT we, ourselves, need to put in the work...and He will take care of the Rest!! 

This is a NEW week. 
A fresh start. 
I'm confident in my abilities...not only in losing weight and getting healthy. But also LIFE. 
If anyone reading this blog thinks, I'm ONLY about slimming down. 
You're wrong. 
In order for a person to become FULLY must not only do the things physically to attain optimum health... 
BUT to focus on the MENTAL, SOCIAL, and most importantly SPIRITUAL side of the equations. 
We are in a world, with such corruption...that finding a balance in all of the above are hard to attain and retain. 
But again, nothing is impossible. 

With day 1 successfully complete. 
I look forward and am eager to start day 2 w/ even better results. 
Remember...God knows your potential and it's up to YOU to tap into that. 
Do the work, and he'll take care of the rest. 

To health. 

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