Saturday, January 8, 2011

7 days.

Going on a juice and smoothies fast for 7 days. This is more so an emotional and spiritual cleanse as it is a cleanse of the body. The mind and body need to be challenged all in one, and one way I know how to do that is by juicing. Juicing and eating raw, uncooked foods helped the body get rid of the unwanted processed junk that we put in our bodies. 

Although I'm eating a pretty clean diet w/ my high protein, high vegetables/fruit, low carb diet...there are still a lot of processed junk that goes into protein shakes, chicken breast and even unorganic vegetables and fruits that I consume. So I'm going to reboot my body by going on this fast.

I want 2011 to be a year where I change a lot of my habits. I'm going to straight out say and honestly tell you that I will have a few cheat days or meals. If you see me at a restaurant and it's not a salad, consider this, in order to lose weight and get must be rewarded and always give the body certain foods in order for it to revert to starvation.

On most days of my diet, I'm only consuming 1000-1500 calories, and sooner or later our bodies will think that is normal, and will not give you the results you deserve. Hence my lack of pulling out a big number the past 2 weeks. I've worked hard, if not harder than I did at the beginning of my journey, but yet I am only pulling small numbers. Our brain and body chemistry is an extremely smart thing to trick. That is why, in order to prevent the dreaded "wall", we need to change things up. 

This juice and smoothie fast is going to be a reminder to me that I can do it. When I complete this fast, it's going to mentally prepare my mind and body for the struggles I am going to face on this journey. I'm blessed to have the opportunity to rest and relax. This is a way of clearing my mind of all stresses and impurities. A way to get in touch w/ not only our physical side, but our emotional well-being. I'm excited about this opportunity to treat my body w/ respect and cleanse it from the world.

I begin this journey at 203lbs as a marker. This is going to be from Sunday to Saturday, today will be an all fruit and veggie day to slowly transition into this fast. I pray that it not only heal me physically and emotionally but spiritually as well. The Lord created everything we know in 7 days. He gave us days to rest. He continues to give us the opportunity to recreate and reinvent ourselves for the better. My journey continues, and I'm only looking forward to greater things in 2011. 

Cheers. To our health. 
Live. Love. Be Healthy. 

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