Monday, January 17, 2011

Hope & Believe.

All I can really do is hope. I want that job so bad! There's really nothing I can do at this point but wait and see, but it's so frustrating not being employed after 3 tortuous years of nursing school. I came into this field because "there is ALWAYS a job out there". Not with this economy. I believe that God will make His plan known and I'm on my knees asking the Lord to please have an answer for me. With my parents struggling for finances at times, still giving me money at 25. I feel terrible. But what can I do? 

Today I had this sudden surge of stress and anxiety. *sigh* I know the Lord has a plan, and this is all a part of it. He knows when I am ready and when the time is right. The testing continues when we are faced with adversity, and this is a time when I have to be strong and really rely on my faith in Him that He will provide, and He always does. My prayer today is: 

Dear Lord, 
Thank you. Thank you for giving me life. Thank you for being the God that you are in my life, and for always finding a way to show me that you are omnipotent and omnipresent. You've always been by my side, even when I have been by yours 100% of the time. Today is a day where I feel down and out, not knowing what my future holds, but all I need to remember is that You are in control and all I need to do is trust, because in the end, You always know what is best for us. Forgive me Lord for all the short comings in my life and for not holding up my end of the bargain. You've never given up on me and the things I don't deserve, You still provide. I praise you Father today because I know that you are working, working in me and trying to make me a better person. Continue to work in and through me Lord so I can serve you to the best that I can. Be with me now Lord and thank You for reminding me that with you all is possible and that things will fall in place. I love you Lord. 


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