Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Week = New Goals.

Sundays always mark a new and fresh beginning for me. It gives me the opportunity to take a huge breath and just say "ok, forget last week, big things are going to come out of things week". I can only see myself now, but Wednesday I'm going to be wishing that the weekend were here now, haha. But it's a good feeling to start fresh and to remember that God gave us 6 days to work, and on the 7th day, His holy day, He gave it for us to rest, relax and worship Him. 

I'm blessed in some ways to be in the situation I am in right now, but am eager to start the new chapter in my life, which is employment. I'm thankful for the opportunity that God has given me to focus on getting my body and mind, right. To achieve health and to maintain it for the rest of my life. I am truly a witness of God's work, and if my life doesn't prove to anyone that He is real and that He is constantly working, then I don't know what to tell you anymore.

He has taken me through all my challenges, through the many obstacles and has gotten me through each and every one of them. It's not going to be any different. All we have to do, is accept Him, and keep Him driving the car we drive and go in the passenger seat for the ride. Like I always say, there are going to be bumps, and there are going to be those times when the car breaks down and stalls for a bit, but God is like the ultimate AAA, he comes when you need Him, is there when you're doing fine, and continues to be there always. 

The time we are spending here on earth, is not the life to look forward to...we have Jesus up in heaven waiting to come down for us to look forward to. We have Heaven, our true home to look forward to. God has given us this opportunity on earth to learn and grow, but it's heaven where our real lives are going to be lived. 

A new week, a new beginning, a fresh start into becoming better people. My goal is to love myself as much as I love the world. God says that you can only love the world as much as you wanna love the world, if you love yourself just as much. I have always wanted to spread His love around the world, and show others that I LOVE YOU and that God is here. BUT, for years I haven't taken care of my body, and this is the time to truly love myself and to be thankful and grateful for the health that God has given me. I'm ready to start this week w/ my head up and goals in place. Let's do it. 

To health. 
Live. Love. Be Healthy. 

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